Welcome to this little slice of the interwebs where my family and I share with you our adventures, the ups and downs of becoming slightly more crunchy, and the weird and wonderful world of raising four little men of God.

Before I dive into all the hopes, dreams and plans we have for this little space, I would like to take a moment to be honest with you about who I am and why I think that now is the time to start a “life-style” blog.

Hi, my name is Cassandra and I am a shotty housekeeper, I yell all too often at my boys, I am a big dreamer and rarely a see-it-through’er. I’ve been on the fast track to being at the top of the corporate ladder and traded it all for the stay-at-home mom life – at which I feel I fail on the daily.

In one brave moment I went from stilettos and pencil skirts, rushing from board meeting to board of directors meetings, to being elbow deep in the mess of it all and, I have to tell you, even though I feel wildly unqualified for this next chapter of our lives, I know that there is a special place in God’s heart for women willing to lay down THEIR former lives to rise up to the call of motherhood.


So, why is now “the right time” to get a jump start on our life style blog? Bringing you the crazy mess we call life?

Well, to be quite honest and a little frank, there is never a “right time” for anything. There never comes a time when we feel perfectly prepared to start something, let alone something that could change lives, starting with our own. I seriously bust a gut when I hear young peoples talking about how they are waiting for the “right time” to propose, get married and or start a family. Once they are done sharing their detailed and perfect visions, I let them know that the right time never comes, there will always be SOMETHING to wait for, pause and consider, or even second guess. Ultimately, the right time is the moment you get the courage to share your dreams and plans.

Acting in that moment, in the instance of bravery, is when you have the perfect amount of crazy to ACTUALLY believe in this big dream.

And so, as we pack up our house and prepare for the first part of our two part move, I figured, NOW is the “right time” to hit the reset button and start fresh with this BIG idea that we are made for more.

You see, for the past five years, we have been spinning our wheels without traction, talking BIG and thinking small, waiting for the “right time” to make a move, to launch something, to CREATE a vision that propels our actions forward. And so, as I sit on my couch that has been displaced to make room for all the furniture and boxes that contain our every worldly possession, I figure, now is as good as ever.

So, we start.

Starting from a place of goodbyes, a place of wrapping up this season of sputtering. A season of spinning our wheels, worrying about how to make ends meet, of trying to shuffle credit card balances and of borrowing from the bank of mom and dad << ps. I have been told they have THE BEST interest rates and the service is second to none.

Starting from a place burning with the desire and determination to create something worth while as we transition into 2 months with my parents, and then into our next home. One we hope provides a spring board to our FUTURE as crunchy(ish) homesteaders, raising a tribe of men who seek to live and grow in a God honouring way.

^^ oh, now would also be the perfect time to let you know that I am a GREEN Christian mom. All this walking WITH my boys, raising children of God is brand spanking new to me. Sure, I have been biding along for five years, but – having had no prior experience – this is a road NOT travelled and one that I am excited to explore WITH you, my loyal (obviously) friends.


And there you have it, bring the real deal to the table. 

As much as the pictures above suggest, my life is not perfectly polished, routined or really anything like I thought it would be – but it is it’s own kind of amazing and I am learning and growing everyday. 

Share you’r morning with me, pop in for an afternoon, laugh and cry knowing that you are not alone and – just remember – it’s all about being real, authentic, and the best version of ourselves *puke*.