Can you believe it?

Another year has come to pass and what have you done? I mean SERIOUSLY – what have you accomplished this year?

Have you taken time to consider the things you slayed or the things that quite literally nearly killed you? 

Every year friends and family “resolve” to do thing better, to stop doing the things that make them unhappy or unhealthy, they say that this year will be different that they will make something of themselves or their business idea or their big ambition, and after a week or so … well it’s all back to normal. 

No more workouts, back on the soda train, spending like they are evergreen *I may or may not have just listened to my “Best of 2000s” playlist on Spotify* and you wondering what the nuts just happened? 

Where is their resolve, where is YOUR resolve. 

As we prepare to launch into a new year (in the Wells’ household), we are already planning on some pretty big changes. 

If you didn’t already know, we are expecting our fifth little one in the new year and it’s a … GIRL!! 

^^ we are thrilled and simultaneously terrified as to what this will mean for our gang, but *regardless* we know that it is in the plan, it is happening, and now we have an opportunity to take advantage of a new stage in our lives. 

*side note, I am very happy that I didn’t purchase the Five Dudes and a Lady website like I was contemplating last year … I mean, YIKES << when we were surprised with a new addition on the way I may have audibly sighed! 

Anyhow, we are entering a new year and I started by talking about big goals and resolutions, the plans we can start laying NOW that will help take away some of the “resolutions” stress while building this tremendous sense of anticipation for what lies ahead. 

For us, we are in the midst of researching and flushing out the plans for the boys YouTUBE channel, and revamping this tiny space on the inter webs to help us create something that is life changing, something that is validating and just life giving to all of those willing to follow in this journey. 

We’ve been working hard in our “new” house to fix it up, to find our flow, and to create a sense of home (which we have so desperately been lacking in our previous three homes) and we are starting to evaluate the lessons and the DIYs so that we can bring more to the table this year.

And so I ask >> what are your big plans of the new year? What goals are you brave enough to speak or write or share with a friend? What could you HOPE to accomplish this year if you just don’t quit? 

My friends, we have to acknowledge that we are capable of so much more than we are accomplishing right now, that we can do BIG things, move mountains, make change, and really glorify God in the process. We just have to be willing to work, to get up everyday and do the things that need to be done. We have to be willing to say YES to the calling God has placed on our hearts and we have to be willing to step, in faith, in the direction of those dreams. 

What are those dreams for you? 

I encourage *and like STRONGLY encourage* you to comment at least ONE of those big, God-sized, goals here and let’s start building a relationship where we learn to do the things, all the things, that need to be done to make those dreams, the goals, the plans … a reality. 

Are you in?