Oh the toys, everywhere.

They are literally overflowing from every nook and cranny of our home, our NEW home. The one that I’ve spent countless hours over the last two months, dreaming of how super organized and Pinterest worthy it would be. And yet, despite the fact that most of the toys are still contained in the boxes we stored them in almost three months ago, they seem to be multiplying like rabbits and starting to take over.

I don’t think there is a space in our home which is toy free, not even the master bedroom << which I *VOWED* to keep kid free. Heaven forbid you attempt to walk through the house in the middle of the night, say to grab your fourth cup of water, feed the baby for the third time, or use the bathroom because your ever increasing uterus is giving you a bladder the size of a pea *pun intended*, and you pierce your foot on yet another toy soldier, some piece of weaponry, or *yikes* a Lego block.

It, literally, has me losing my hair – my hair which should be lush and thick with yet *another* pregnancy.

And so, the hunt begins for the [{best]} way to store, hide, and manage the chaos that comes with having four boys 5 and under.

Pinterest, Google searches, popular hashtags on Instagram, and all of a sudden you are inundated with ideas and yet nothing seems to be feasible. Do you DIY your own bookshelves like the best of the best mommas, do you buy something from IKEA and do one of those clever hacks that turns a $50 bookshelf into something that looks like its worth hundreds (and, let’s be honest, it probably is because you had to go out and get all  the crafty supplies, the tools and the additional lumber to make it over …) or do you go with the increasingly popular thrifting and PRAY that there is SOMETHING that matches your space, perceived style, and fits into that teeny, tiny budget of being the wife of a garbage man and a solo-preneur with a million and one ideas and no solid cash-flow *yet*.

Exhausted yet?

Here’s the thing, you have to start right if you want to make the most of your space, your funds, and your limited amount of sanity. You could *literally* lose your mind going over all of the options again and again, of how to best organize your space, how to make that schoolroom work for all the things you anticipate you will get accomplished in there, and you have to put that desire to be “pin-worthy” on t he back burner if ever so slightly, until you know what you ACTUALLY want and need!

^^ yes, I said what you actually NEED. Because it is important to be intelligent here, in what you invest in. And there are jars, and bins, crates, and shelves, bookcases and hutches GALORE when it comes to organizing your stuff, so if you don’t know what you actually require for success, you will wind up being like a bag in the wind, endlessly tossing from one great idea to another with no gusto to make a purchase or ACTUALLY create a cohesive look with your space.

My advice, and what we are doing for our UNRULEY spaces, is starting by sketching it out, what does it look like in your minds eye? How would you envision the space functioning? Do you need quick access or easy clean-up, are you concerned with a certain feel over function, or are you all about getting the job done? Remember, ESPECIALLY if you are a stay at home mom, that you need to live in this space day in and day out. This is your home, your office, your school room, your LIFE and so, as much as you may want to be practical with all the things, you also need to feel comfortable and appreciate the aesthetic of the space.

So sketch it out, make a vision board of the colours, textures or items that you think should be in the space – maybe use Pinterest for some simple inspiration << caution: do NOT get caught in the comparison trap here, the PINNED images are from people who have STAGED their spaces, ensured that the lighting was perfect and made DARN SURE that their kids *if even in the shot* touched NOTHING! >> And then start to research where you might find the items to complete your space, what’s your budget, will Wal-mart work or can you go Wayfair, should you thrift it or DIY is right up your alley.

No matter how you intend to acquire the storage solutions you need to have your plan of attack first … oh, and, while you’re at it … purge some *it’s therapeutic*.

I’ll be sure to keep you posted of our space make-overs as they come, and *I’ll be real with you* I can’t promise Pin-worthy photos because … #RealLifeAmIRight, but I will share our struggles and successes because this is real mom life, messy, chaotic and *hopefully* filled with grace.


Chore Charts – Your Husband NEEDS one

Chores are exactly that, a CHORE.

It doesn’t help when your husband is forever asking, “what needs to be done?”

Because SCREAMING, “Can’t you SEE what needs to be done?” isn’t recommended, here is a tip that is simple, effective, and – well – a NO BRAINER … if we are willing to rethink it.

Chore Charts!

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