I Almost Killed my Husband this Morning

You know when your husband says something SO stupid you could jump across the kitchen and wring his neck. That was us, this morning.

Holy Moly Meal Plans

Alright, alright, alright ...  It's a new year which means everyone and their mother has been thinking about how THIS year they will get healthy, they will get out of debt, they will do all the amazing things that they have yet to achieve *I am no stranger to this...

Every Momma NEEDS to Read

If you aren’t busy already, let me tell you just one more thing I think you desperately need to add to your plate.  You need to be back into the habit of reading.  Every momma NEEDS to read.If you are sitting on the other side of this computer screen, figuratively of...

“Welcome to Our Chaos”

          guest author - Amanda Harper Have you ever found yourself wondering why bother with this whole friend thing – it’s hard, it’s messy, I say the wrongs things (please tell me I’m not the only one who does that) and I’m done. There was a point in this mom...

When One Door Closes

I figured that cutting ties was the easiest solution to a problem that seemed inconvenient. That it was better if a family was severed, clean cut, than it was to try and navigate a broken world of co-parenting and skipped visits.

Don’t say “schedule”

Don't laugh but when I decided that I would be a stay at home mom ... or at least when I was pregnant with my first son and I tossed around the idea a little, I actually thought that I would have so much free time.  I would be able to get all the things done with...

What is “Normal” anyway

The other day I posted a poll on Facebook asking when people washed their bed sheets, or rather, how often they did that.  The following day (or maybe it was two days later) I posted a question about they insane thing that husbands do that drive us nuts (like...

Laundry Day

Before we get into this I have to start with some real, if you don't currently have a clean clothes couch than this post is most certainly not your cup'o'coffee.  You can just click away with your awesome self because nothing I am about to say is going to resonate...

Mommy NEEDS some “me” Time

The moment my husband walks in the door is the same second that I take cover in my room. Running from the noise, the demands, the *what seems like * constant bickering and the overwhelm of having kept these tiny humans alive for another day. I am exhausted, at wits...

Bed Sheets – Who Knew

The other day I decided I would self check and post a poll on Facebook all about bed sheets.  I asked a simple question, "How often do you wash your bed sheets?" with two basic answers... (a) all the time (aka weekly) (b) never (aka once a month) Oh my word! Never in...

I’ll take my coffee reheated … three times

It's cliche to say but you KNOW motherhood is not for the faint of heart!  But, did you know that it is also not for the woman who likes to drink her coffee hot, the first time?  Seriously!  And the more children you have, the less likely you will be to even SEE the...